Katie Britt´s state of the union response sent chills down my spine

A bizarre Pitbull disguised as a sectarian housewife invaded Americans’ living rooms after Biden’s address to the nation.

Senator Katie Britt from Alabama gave the respond to Bidens State of the Union last week. She is believed to be the new star in the Republican party, some even think she will be Trump´s running mate for the presidential campaign.

The stage was set – in a kitchen with family photos and a bowl of fruit in the background she was sitting at her kitchen island. The viewers were told that at that specific kitchen table, just like other concerned American families, she had ” kitchen table” conversations with her husband. Even though it was bizarre to watch a professional politician staged in a kitchen as a stereotypical stay at home wife, the worst part of Britt’s speech was her use of diction and pauses – they were outright theatrical, dramatic, and over the top.

With a deliverance oozing a condescending and arrogant tone, it reminded me of the narrative used in the sect in which I spent large parts of my childhood and youth.

The speech became particularly bizarre when Britt told a heartbreaking story in vivid detail about a woman who was the victim of rape – when you now know that her own party leader has been convicted of sexually abusive behavior.

In his address to the nation, Joe Biden was so energized that rumors have circled that he had taken something stronger than a sugary drink before taking to the podium. At the same time, the Republican response, even among high-profile Republicans and conservative commentators, garnered criticism. I wonder if the cult language directed at female suburban voters who have a hard time with Trump had the desired effect.

“I understand you”, was Britt’s message – but even with dimmed lighting, or perhaps precisely because of the staging, the message fell flat. It was too much, too rehearsed, too amateurish – I doubt mothers with conservative values in suburbia buy that. During Biden’s speech, Trump posted more than 90 times via his social media, commenting like some 8-year-old on Biden’s appearance. I’m left with a feeling that after the presidential election, the United States may not go in as crazy a direction as I have feared. If the top of the Republican Party with Trump at the helm continues their unhinged acts, Democrats democratically minded, and the world in general have nothing to fear. I am hopeful that the progressive and sane Biden convinces the Americans to make the sane choice in November.

En bizar pitbull forklædt som sekterisk husmor indtog amerikanernes stuer efter Bidens tale til nationen.

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